Wednesday, March 02, 2011

THE KRAKORAS | stunning like always

Oh my goodness, how I just LOVE designing for the KRAKORAS! Honestly, it's hard for me to pinpoint what I enjoy most about designing their albums. I just LOVE it all and enjoy the whole process. Like most of my clients, I never get to meet them but with Heather Krakora I feel like I've know her for years! Take a look at their work and you too will fall in love with them!

- Amy (Albumesque Designer)

Click here to see the WHOLE album design

Click here to follow the Krakoras


Sarah Bradshaw said...

You blogged!!!!! I'm so very proud of you. ;-)

absolutely gorgeous spreads, by the way.

Albumesque said...

I blogged just for you :)!!!

Heather Krakora said...

Don't know what I'd do without you Amy! You rock my world! LOL!